Published July 24, 2019, in Höfner Volksblatt(Author: Patrizia Pfister)
An all-rounder candelabra in the middle of Pfäffikon
Höfner Volksblatt (Patrizia Pfister), 07/24/2019
At the end of last year, the platform "Smart Höfe" was founded and in August, the first project will be realized by EW Höfe AG in Pfäffikon - and in the middle of the village at Churerstrasse 43, at the Entsorgungsstelleder Gemeinde Freienbach. As announced, a so-called Smart City Tower will be built. The candelabra is also an e-charging station, transmits a Wifi signal and has an emergency call button. In addition, it will measure environmental sensor data, i.e. temperature, humidity and air quality as well as noise. It could also be used to count traffic and record which parking spaces are free and which are occupied. This project is financed by EW Höfe and realized within the SmartHöfe platform. The goal is to use the Smart City Tower and the generated data to arouse broad interest among companies, private individuals and others and to achieve broad support. The region is to address future issues today.
The installation is imminent
The foundation has already been laid and the "Tower" is awaiting its repair at the headquarters of EW Höfe AG in Freienbach. The intelligent luminaire will be definitively installed towards the end of August in order to gather initial experience and data for further use.Originally, the creation of this multifunctionallight tower was actually already planned for this spring. However, the site search was delayed, so the whole program was pushed back a bit.
The functional Smart City Tower has been around since the end of 2015, developed by the innovation group "Smight" in Berlin and distributed in Switzerland by the company ELEKTRON in Au. With around 100 units, Germany currently has by far the most towers for data collection. By mid-August, there will be five in Switzerland, plus three each in Brazil and Norway, two in Australia and one each in New Zealand and Austria.