Continuous power for smart solutions

Column ET Light, Peter Schwägli, ELEKTRON AG

In the past, it was simple. You mounted a luminaire on the light pole and switched the light on and off. Mission accomplished. Today, the situation is different. Tomorrow's light pole takes on a new role: The light will still be up - but "the job" encompasses much more.

The light pole, and thus public lighting, is predestined to be used as carrier infrastructure for smart applications. The area-wide street lighting network is very well developed - from the center to the smallest neighborhoods. In order to exploit the potential of the existing lighting infrastructure in the future, the necessary framework conditions must be created today. But what does that mean? What decisions need to be made now to be ready for tomorrow?

Smart solutions such as charging stations for electromobility or sensors of all kinds require continuous power - not only at night. But at the latest when the light pole is supplied with voltage 24/7, a dilemma arises: the lights must continue to be switched depending on the twilight.

That's why it already makes sense to use networked luminaires during refurbishment. These can be controlled and thus also be permanently under power. But this conversion requires a concept, a master plan for the operators - and some time. So one does not stand in a few years before the dilemma, lights already after a few 1000 hours of operating time again to exchange to have.

In addition, the luminaire market has taken a decisive step with the hardware decoupling of sensors and communication modules through the Zhaga plug-in system. Without replacing the luminaire, sensors, gateways or controllers can be easily attached or replaced. This enables infrastructure upgrades that conserve resources and meet demand. At the same time, cross-manufacturer standardization promotes the development of a wide variety of sensors on the market.

One thing is certain: there will not be THE light pole of the future. The needs of communities and cities are too diverse and dynamic for that. But light poles everywhere will be constantly under tension. This is exactly what we are creating the basis for today in the refurbishment of lighting infrastructures with networked luminaires.

Also published in: ET Light 08-2019


Peter Schwägli, Managing Director for Smart City and Light

Peter Schwägli has been with ELEKTRON AG for about six years. As a member of the SLG's Specialist Group 52 (road tunnels and underpasses) and the VSS, he is committed to customer-oriented further development in the direction of networked lighting infrastructure.


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