Hybrid inverters: The new standard for every photovoltaic system

In the world of photovoltaic systems, there is a constant development towards more efficient and flexible systems. One outstanding example of this is hybrid inverters, which are increasingly becoming the new standard solution. In contrast to conventional inverters, hybrid inverters offer a number of advantages that make them the ideal choice for any photovoltaic system.

What makes hybrid inverters better than traditional string inverters?

Flexibility and future-proofing

A conventional inverter (string inverter) only converts the direct current generated by the solar modules into alternating current, which can be used directly in the building or fed into the power grid. But what happens to surplus electricity that is not used immediately? This is where the hybrid inverter comes into play. Peter Dietiker, an expert in the field of renewable energies and member of the management team at ELEKTRON, explains: "If you don't opt for a battery system straight away, a hybrid inverter gives you the option of deciding on a battery storage system after you have gained some initial operating experience. For example, because the return tariffs from the grid operator have been greatly reduced. This offers the flexibility to easily expand the system with a battery storage system at a later date and use the self-produced solar power efficiently".

Increasing the self-consumption rate

Many owners of photovoltaic systems are surprised that they can often only use 25-30 percent of the solar power they generate directly. The rest is fed into the grid, in future at less attractive feed-in tariffs. A hybrid inverter solves this problem by buffering surplus electricity in a battery storage system. This enables a significantly higher self-consumption rate, which is both enjoyable and increasingly advantageous economically.</p

Open system design

A future-proof system is crucial for long-term investments. Hybrid inverters from ELEKTRON offer an open system design that enables future expansions and adaptations. This means that property owners can adapt their system to new technologies or additional storage capacities at any time without the need for extensive conversions.

You benefit from this with hybrid inverters from ELEKTRON

Easier installation and integration

An advantage of the hybrid inverters from ELEKTRON is their simple installation. They are supplied as a preconfigured plug&play set, which includes both the battery storage system and inverters up to 10 x 50 kW. Dietiker emphasizes: "One system for all projects - whether for single-family homes, apartment buildings or commercial operations - minimizes complexity and saves valuable installation time".

Integrated emergency power switchover

A significant advantage that is often overlooked is the integrated emergency power switchover in the latest generation of hybrid inverters. This function ensures that the stored solar power can continue to be used in the event of a power failure. This significantly increases the reliability and safety of the power supply. The emergency power function is already integrated in Solinteg's hybrid inverters. This means that no additional switch box is required. This saves noticeable installation costs.

Comprehensive support and service

ELEKTRON offers its installation partners first-class Swiss support, which is available in the respective national language and can also be provided on site. This guarantees that technical questions and problems are solved quickly and efficiently, which is crucial for the long-term success and satisfaction of system owners.


Compared to conventional inverters, hybrid inverters offer unparalleled flexibility, a higher self-consumption rate and are a future-proof investment. They are easy to install and integrate, and thanks to their emergency power switchover, they offer additional safety. Peter Dietiker puts it in a nutshell: "Hybrid inverters are a must in every photovoltaic system today." Opt for hybrid inverters and make your photovoltaic system fit for the future.

  Conventional inverter (string inverter) Hybrid inverter
Basic function • Converts the direct current (DC) generated by the solar modules into alternating current (AC), which is used in the household or fed into the power grid. • Charges the battery directly with direct current as soon as the consumption in the building is lower than the solar power production. 

• As soon as electricity is consumed in the building, it converts the direct current into alternating current.
• Solar power can be used even when the sun is not shining.
Feed-in • Produced electricity that is not consumed at the same time is fed into the public grid at increasingly lower remuneration rates. • Surplus electricity can be stored and used when needed, which significantly increases the self-consumption rate.
Components • Consists only of the inverter without integrated emergency power function or connection for a battery system. • Integrated control for battery storage and often also for emergency power supply.
• As soon as a battery is connected, 150% of the nominal inverter output can be processed.
Conclusion •No direct storage of surplus solar power possible.
•Limited self-consumption rate, as surplus electricity cannot be stored for later use.
• No emergency power function in the event of a power failure.
• Higher self-consumption rate through storage and later use of solar power.
• Option to expand the system at a later date without great expense.
• Integrated emergency power switchover for a reliable power supply in the event of grid failures.
•Black start capability, thanks to island operation with the battery, the solar power can also be used without the grid from sunrise.

Our solutions around solar energy

Battery storage

Battery storage

This battery storage stands for safety, longevity and compatibility - available in two design variants.

Hybrid Inverter

Hybrid Inverter

The three-phase hybrid inverters from the ET-plus series - with a power range from 5 kW to 10 kW.

Set: Hybrid inverter with battery storage

The best solution to store solar power: The product set prepared for you comes with a hybrid inverter as well as battery storage.

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