Solvalor simplifies the management of communal laundry facilities with VESTA

"We have more control today because we can see and check all of our laundry rooms instantly at a glance."


Solvalor 61, an open-ended and independent Swiss real estate investment fund with net assets of more than CHF 945 million, manages over 2500 apartments mainly in the Lausanne and Geneva region. In their search for a suitable management and payment system for communal laundry facilities, they found the ideal solution in VESTA.


Interview with Ludovic Weiss, Head of Asset Management, Solvalor Fund Management SA


Your building park comprises 2,500 apartments. What difficulties did you face with the communal laundry rooms?


Some of our laundry rooms were equipped with rental equipment. Managing them was extremely complicated and time-consuming. Our goal was to unify, simplify and standardize the management of all laundry rooms.


In 2018, you decided to work with eeproperty and install the Vesta payment and management system. Can you briefly describe what has changed for you in the meantime?


We have more control today because we can see and check all our laundry rooms instantly at a glance. In addition, the workload of the janitors has decreased. The fact that most tenants charge their own accounts eliminates the administrative complications of managing cash flows. The elimination of coin-operated machines and card solutions was also a key factor in our decision to use Vesta. And last but not least, we appreciate the user-friendliness, it convinced us from the very beginning.


Are you satisfied with our service and can you recommend the Vesta solution?


Absolutely, we have found eeproperty to be a reliable partner who is on time. The installations are running smoothly. The team has been very good in informing and guiding the renters during the changeover. Even the older renters were not forgotten and thanks to their help they could easily get used to the new system.



Is there anything you would still like to see from Vesta?


Your solution already allows our tenants to top up their account via the web platform, e-banking or by payment slip. Why not additionally offer a recharge option directly in the laundry room? Also, more flexibility in allocating time slots in the laundry schedule would be a welcome additional feature*.



*Note eeproperty: This functionality is currently being explored in two of our pilot projects.


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