Technical service light receives support

Our technical customer service in the field of lighting looks after thousands of luminaires throughout Switzerland - and the number is growing. Now the team is getting active support: Yannick Gumpinger has been working side by side with Stefan Raymann since this year. Together, they take care of all the lights that are controlled with Interact City.

"Outdoor lighting often seems like a dry subject. But when you work here, you quickly realize that there is much more to it. It's impressive how today, even from home, you always have an overview of the lighting and can simply 'time' when the lights should turn on and off."

Yannick Gumpinger, technical customer service lighting


f.l. Stefan Raymann and Yannick Gumpinger

For Yannick, it's almost like coming "home" - he successfully completed his commercial apprenticeship at ELEKTRON in 2020. Now that he has the RS behind him and gained his first work experience, he is returning to the Lighting division to work in technical customer service. There he supports his teammates Stefan Raymann and Paolo Corazzola in supporting Interact City customers. This means he oversees startups, performs commissioning, and handles luminaire trouble calls.

That we can do all the control digitally today and no longer have to go to the lights is actually no longer an option for our generation, but it is expected. I'm excited to see what else will be possible in the future.

Yannick Gumpinger, technical customer service lighting

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