Power semiconductor

Power semiconductors are an important component in power electronics. Where normal semiconductor components are damaged and possibly even destroyed if the amperes and voltages are too high, power semiconductors are used. Consequently, they are successfully used especially in traffic engineering, industry, mechanical engineering and high-voltage DC transmission.

We offer a wide range of power semiconductors to support the full spectrum of control and switching of high electrical voltages and currents in a safe and functional way.

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Power semiconductors as a factor for the energy transition

Power semiconductors in the form of thyristors and transistors function, simply put, like valves for current flow. Thanks to a control electrode, they can switch between a blocking and conducting state, which happens within millionths of a second.

Thanks to this technology, high electrical currents and voltages can be simply, safely and energy-efficiently regulated.

For this very reason, power semiconductors are a crucial factor for reducing energy consumption, improving energy efficiency, and thus for the desired energy turnaround in Europe.

Three good reasons for using power semiconductors

Energy efficient
Power semiconductors regulate high electrical currents and voltages in a few millionths of a second. This can reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency.
Power semiconductors can be operated at a multiple of the mains frequency and, with suitable design, even for more than 30 years.
Safe and effective
Where normal semiconductor devices are damaged or even destroyed at too high amperage and voltages, power semiconductors can provide a safe foundation.

Projects around power electronics

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Philippe Muller

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